St. Johns Wellness

If Low Testosterone Is Not Treated, What Takes Place

If Low Testosterone Is Not Treated, What Takes Place?

Low testosterone, a condition commonly referred to as “low T,” affects millions of men globally, impacting their health in profound ways. At St. Johns Wellness, we often encounter individuals unaware of the potential risks associated with untreated low testosterone. Understanding these risks is crucial for maintaining long-term health and wellness. The Basics of Low Testosterone […]

What Exactly Does HRT Do?

What Exactly Does HRT Do?

When it comes to managing the symptoms of hormonal imbalance, hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is often heralded as a beacon of relief. At St. Johns Wellness, we understand the complexities and intricacies involved in hormonal health and are committed to helping our patients navigate their options with informed choices. But what exactly does HRT do? […]

What Happens If Testosterone Is Low?

What Happens If Testosterone Is Low?

At St. Johns Wellness, we understand the critical role hormones play in maintaining our health and well-being. Testosterone, often associated with male health, affects various bodily functions. Low testosterone levels can lead to a myriad of health issues that, if left unchecked, can significantly impair quality of life. Today, we’ll explore what happens if testosterone […]

What Are The Pros And Cons Of HRT?

What Are The Pros And Cons Of HRT?

At St. Johns Wellness, we understand that making health decisions can be complex and daunting, especially when it comes to managing symptoms of hormonal imbalances. Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) is a commonly considered option for those experiencing menopause or other hormone-related conditions. Like any treatment, It comes with its set of benefits and drawbacks. Here’s […]

What Happens If Low Testosterone Is Not Treated?

What Happens If Low Testosterone Is Not Treated?

Low testosterone, a condition often glossed over in general health discussions, carries significant implications if left unchecked. At St. Johns Wellness, we emphasize the importance of recognizing and addressing this hormonal deficiency not just for its immediate effects, but for its long-term impact on overall health. Ignoring low testosterone can lead to a myriad of […]

Is HRT The Same As Testosterone?

Is HRT The Same As Testosterone?

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is a topic that often raises questions, especially when it comes to distinguishing between general HRT and specific hormone treatments like testosterone therapy. At St. Johns Wellness, we’re committed to providing comprehensive information to help you understand the nuances of different treatments and how they can impact your health. What is […]

Are IV drips worth the money?

Are IV drips worth the money?

In recent years, IV drip therapy has gained popularity as a quick and efficient way to rejuvenate the body and address various health concerns. From boosting immunity to improving energy levels and even enhancing skin complexion, the benefits of IV drips are touted by wellness centers worldwide. But amidst the hype, one question lingers: are […]

At what age should a woman stop taking estrogen?

At what age should a woman stop taking estrogen?

As women age, their bodies undergo significant hormonal changes, particularly during menopause. Estrogen, a pivotal hormone in women’s reproductive health, plays a crucial role in regulating various bodily functions. However, as women approach menopause and estrogen levels decline, they may encounter symptoms such as hot flashes, mood swings, and vaginal dryness. To address these symptoms […]

Is it possible to keep weight off after Ozempic?

Is it possible to keep weight off after Ozempic?

At St. Johns Wellness, we understand that weight loss journeys often come with obstacles and setbacks. Despite the assistance of medications such as Ozempic, maintaining weight loss can seem overwhelming. Nevertheless, with the appropriate mindset and approach, preserving your weight loss achievements post-Ozempic treatment is entirely feasible. Understanding Ozempic and its Mechanism of Action Ozempic, […]

Why is direct primary care better?

Why is direct primary care better?

In the realm of healthcare, navigating through a labyrinth of insurance approvals, unpredictable costs, and limited time with physicians can be daunting for patients. However, amidst this complexity, there’s a beacon of hope shining through the fog: Direct Primary Care (DPC). This revolutionary approach to healthcare, exemplified by St. Johns Wellness, is gaining recognition for […]